Saturday, November 10, 2012

New favorite phrase

Hello, dear family and friends. I pray this finds you well. I am doing well and so very thankful for it. Healing well from recent surgery, energy levels are getting there. Not where I want them yet, but I am very hopeful that I will continue to improve. My hair is curly as all get-out!

I receive in my daily email a devotional from Joni and Friends, written by Joni. It always proves to be encouraging, comforting, challenging, etc. This phrase has stuck with me from a recent one -

"All this trouble has crowded me to Christ. It is simply mud around the gold."  

She was speaking about a woman who had lost her husband in the war, then had a profoundly disabled child that needed surgery  after surgery. Rather than be bitter and blaming, these things caused her to run to her Heavenly Father, and cling. I know this feeling, and am thankful He has always waited with open arms to receive me - whether upset, fearful, in pain, or simply healing, crowding at the feet of my Saviour is all I can do. He is the One with the comfort, the answers, the patience, mercy and grace to hear me out. As much as I don't want to repeat any of the last year, I am thankful for the opportunity to draw close to Him in hardship. Keeping eternity in mind helps in realizing the fragile nature of this world, while we are still given it to enjoy and grow. So much to learn!

The last few months have been so very hectic - football, field hockey (many of you know Kristen's team went as far as the top 8 in States, and won the County championship for the 1st time in 37 years!), bridal showers and wedding plans, surgery for me, and also for my brother - a surprise discovery of colon cancer, and we were blessed to have the same surgeon that cared for me also take care of Paul. She's wonderful and truly a gift. They do believe it is contained, but they are still waiting for final results of the tests. We shall see...what a full time of life!  In the midst of these difficulties, we have enjoyed the kids immensely and are pleased to be approaching Megan's wedding with great anticipation! Less than 5 weeks and she is a new bride! Such joy in this!

When you are facing difficult times, don't draw back - crowd to Christ. You will discover the gold underneath all the mud. It is truly a precious treasure.

In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.    
I Peter 1:6-7

I pray that you all have a blessed Lord's day tomorrow. May you find good teaching, great fellowship and a deepening of your relationship with Jesus. 


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