Monday, November 28, 2011

Another flurry of doctor visits...yippee!

Met my oncologist today, and we liked her VERY much. Very straight-forward.  Long story short, I get a port put in this Wednesday, and need a few other things checked. Then we start 8 rounds of chemo every other week...translates into 4 months, assuming I tolerate it all well and things go smoothly.  During the off-weeks, I will see my plastic surgeon for his procedure. Not my favorite...

3 doc appts. this week. At least 2 next week.  It's a very good thing there is online shopping or I wouldn't be getting any Christmas shopping done!  :)  She does want to get started before Christmas, which is a bummer but what I expected.

SO thankful today for:
  • My sister-in-law, Carolyn and hubby, Buddy who were my partners at the oncologist's office.
  • Protection over my sister, Padge - she was actually admitted to the hospital last night suspecting heart trouble. Turns out it is something related to her bronchitis from a month ago.  She needs rest and Advil, and will be okay. But she was unable to join me...she was frustrated, and yet thankful it wasn't more serious.
  • Dinner brought after a very long day.
  • Seeing Bobby before he left.
  • My ongoing Christmas elf, Kristen (and Buddy...putting up outside stuff!)  The house is looking festive!
  • My plastic surgeon giving me a reprieve today from doing an expansion.  I was so thankful for that.
  • Getting my stitches out!

I am learning more and more that there are things I am thankful for...I can't even remember them now, but try to give thanks at the time.  Blessings to you and sleep well!


Put a song in your heart!

Victory over the enemy can be yours for a song! Sing a hymn or a worship chorus as you march into your day or wrap up your evening. And if you can't sing, read one of David's praise psalms out loud. To begin and end the day with God's praise will do much to chase away dark thoughts, and open the door to peace.
(Compliments of Joni's devotional this morning)
If you know me at all, then you know how much I love music and how it draws me to worship. It ministers to me in ways I can't explain, and I am thankful for it.  LOVE Christmas music...not the silly stuff, but there are so many songs that point me to the precious gift of our Savior.  All year, I love music - from Classical to the Cathedrals to Casting Crowns - and mostly music that speaks of our Lord.  I do love a variety!

Today is a big day, I think.  I will be finding out what the next several months will be like for me and my family.  So, I think I will be singing my way to the doctor's office!
Have a blessed day...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Another Colmery Christmas tree has been chosen :)

I know that some day we will end up with significantly smaller trees, but yet another ceiling-scraper is laying in our doubt it will be a beauty and provide many days/evenings of lovely lighting and memories. One of my favorite Christmas tree memories is something Buddy does...since he leaves before everyone else gets up (most of the time!), he turns on the tree as he leaves so it is on for the kids when they get up. They thought it was magical when they were little, and still love it. They all love different things about our decorations - Megan loves the wreath over the fireplace, Kristen loves the tree (though there are some individual things she loved as a child and still loves - one particular stuffed Santa with fun hair!), Bobby loves the wreath/nativity/lights on the fireplace. I love our stockings, the Bible I leave open to Luke 2, and the lights on the front porch. Buddy agrees with Bobby, plus the snow globes and lights in the dining room. We definitely have fun decorating! But, more importantly, we love the reason we do it. I read on FB sometime this week how appropriate it is that Thanksgiving leads right into Christmas...the beginning of a thankful season, for the most precious Gift ever given...

Thankful findings today:
  • Finding a Christmas tree in pretty good time. Playfully squabbled over 3 trees...any of them would be beautiful!
  • A helpful hubby and son, lending a hand to help me up and down the hill to the field,
  • Visit from a dear Mom/daughter duo...just like family and it was great to see them!
  • Laughter in the car...our kids are nuts.
  • Leftovers.  :)
  • Rest for a weary body.
Some specific prayer requests:
  • Monday's appointments - oncologist and plastic surgeon.  Wisdom with oncologist as we plan my chemo treatments.  I'm a little nervous.
  • Wisdom to know my limits.  Doc says I can do anything I want (except heavy lifting) and  yet need to remember that I am still healing.
  • To not get discouraged when I am still sore and tender, and get tired...this journey is nowhere near over!
Enjoy your day tomorrow...I pray that you are able to worship the Lord in sweet fellowship with others and deepen your relationship with the Savior.

Friday, November 25, 2011

A quiet day and a nice visit...

Boy was I tired today...woke up at 6, thought I'd be up and re-woke up at 9!  Just not like me.  But it was good.  Read and puttered and rested...then, one of my dearest friends visited for a bit.  One of those folks you have known longer than most, and it is immediately comfortable no matter how long you are apart.  We did our nails together in junior high, wore toe socks together (when they FIRST were popular!), shared countless sleepovers together - and I am so thankful we have stayed in touch.

Things I am thankful for today:
  • Christmas music (and I am glad we wait until after Thanksgiving dessert to play it!)
  • A daughter that I believe is part elf...she is already knee-deep in decorating!  Dad is right there with her, checking lights to put outside.
  • Kids who enjoy our traditions - we're not fancy, but we have fun.  Christmas tree shopping tomorrow with everyone!  I don't know how much field-traipsing I will actually do, but who cares...
  • Hot tea on a chilly afternoon.
  • Good books when I'm weary and not sleepy.
  • Online shopping!
  • A Savior that is worthy of so much more honor and glory than we often show Him. And I love celebrating this time of year - all thanks to His being willing to be born like us, live and die for us.
From "Jesus Calling" devotional today...
"To protect your thankfulness, remember you reside in a fallen world, where blessings and sorrows intermingle freely. A constant focus on adversity defeats many Christinas.  They walk through a day that is brimming with beauty and brightness, seeing only the grayness of their precious are My children who remember to thank me at all times...Rejoice in this day that I have made , for I am your steadfast Companion."

I am daily more aware of how much I need His constant companionship.  I am truly thankful for all things I list here, and am aware that blessings and sorrows mingle...often, in the same hour, I am happy, content and fine while also fearful, nervous and tired.  Help me, Lord Jesus, to remain in Your arms each hour...

Blessings to you all.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What a day of thanks!

Finally just sitting, with Bobby sacked out on the floor, and Buddy, Kristen and I watching "Monsters, Inc.".  Very nice day and SO thankful for the following:

  • Delicious food from many people! Bobby's stuffing was/is wonderful, the pies delicious, everything yummy and I love leftovers!
  • Sister, daughters, niece, husband, many preparing and cleaning up dinner so I didn't overdue it. (Who, me?!)
  • Paper plates for dinner - BEST idea ever! (except for marrying my honey...)
  • Laughter with my kids in the kitchen last night.  I am SO thankful it doesn't hurt to laugh!
  • A chance to rest before everyone got here.
  • Enjoying my new laptop...compliments of my honey's generosity. Found a good deal and now have work at my fingertips, especially since I am home so much more these days.
  • Obviously, the grace and mercy that I don't deserve from a heavenly Father Who loves me far more completely and imaginatively than I can grasp. So thankful He saved me. So thankful He is good...all the time.
  • Another Thanksgiving with my Mom and Dad. Haven't seen Dad eat like that since he was sick!  But, it is his favorite meal of the year.  (He tells me every year that it was the best he's ever had.)
  • Surprise visits from friends bearing cookies and flowers!  (You know who you are!)
Looking back over the last 3 months, it has already been quite a ride.  I have my emotional days, and won't pretend the next parts will be easy-breezy...but, the Lord's hand is so evident. His love surely does endure forever and His compassions are new every morning. Great is HIS faithfulness!

Perfect example...there is a particular woman from this area that I have been told I should chat with...she has been having a similar situation and we had surgery within a week of each other.  Don't know her, didn't know her phone # and just hadn't gotten around to finding it.  Wouldn't you know who walked in to the doctor's office yesterday?  This woman!  We met and had a good chat until we each had to go back to see THE SAME DOCTOR!!  Weird?  Not really...just one of those little things the Lord does to encourage and remind me He is in each and every detail.

Hope and pray you have been able to find things for which to be thankful today.  Seek Him and He will be found.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving...and I am so thankful...

"The power of the Good News is released in your life when you allow your weaknesses to showcase the awesome might and love of our Savior. Plan on doing that today."

This was in Joni's devotional this morning.  I pray that this happens in my situation. We do have a mighty, gracious Savior Who cares for our every need and hurt.  Every day, there is something encouraging and motivating for me.  So thankful for that.  Had a bit of a rough morning, just woke up stiff and sore, and achy...I know it is to be expected, but just gets discouraging when I want to do more than I can.  Kristen was so patient with me since, of course, I get teary-eyed easily, No surprise there! But, we made it to Shady Maple, got all our goodies for Thanksgiving and I couldn't have done it without her...the shopping cart was too heavy for me to push! the midst of so much going on, there is SO MUCH for which I am thankful.
Thankful for the following today:
  • Bobby is coming home today!  Yay!  Home will be complete!
  • Kristen's willing heart to serve me and love on me.
  • Megan's eagerness to help when she is home. And our planned time together tomorrow, even if it is a doctor's appointment!
  • A husband who is so kind.
  • Friends who are good cooks!
  • Encouragement from so many every day.
  • Continue to be amazed at how the Lord has indeed guided me every step of the way...and for the doctors who have cared for me.

Stitches out tomorrow...Oncologist next Monday...surgeon the next week...and so it goes!  We are getting very familiar with Rt. 401.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Precious fellowship...

Got to church this morning, and it was good to be there.  Granted, we hung in the back and ducked out pretty quickly, but good to be with 'family', get some gentle hugs, sing and hear God's Word.  So thankful for a pastor who takes his calling seriously and speaks the truth so well.  Communion was sweet. 

Time for rest and delicious soup (thank you, Joie Culbert!  You're a good cooker!).

Have a blessed Sunday...

Friday, November 18, 2011

15 days post-op...doing okay!

Just got back from a post-op visit with my surgeon and she says I'm doing well and right where I should be.  Good news!  Got my last drain out, and have few restrictions...though it is awkward to drive.  She says I will continue to improve and will adapt to the driving - the expanders I have in make it awkward, but each day, there is improvement.  

Stitches out next Wednesday, Then, I meet with the oncologist November 28th, and then back to my surgeon to make a plan for a lymphodema therapist to be evaluated...more precaution than anything else...and to plan around chemo, etc.  After chemo will come radiation and then reconstruction.  She said to expect about 5-6 months for chemo and another 4 weeks or more of radiation. So, my journey has just begun.

That's okay.  I have had my good days and bad days...but many sweet times with friends, family and most assuredly, the Lord.  He has so evidently been leading, guiding, and directing all of us.  So very proud of my family.  I couldn't ask for more supportive people.  And Kristen is definitely getting in her 50 hours of logged driving hours covered!  It's nice to have her with me...

So many unexpected prayers, cards, etc.  Can't even tell you what they mean to me.  

FROM "JESUS CALLING", a devotional by Sarah Young
"Learn to appreciate difficult days. Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way. As you journey through rough terrain with Me, gain confidence from your knowledge that together we can handle anything. This knowledge is comprised of three parts: your relationship with Me, promises in the Bible, and past experiences of coping successfully during hard times....Although you and your circumstances may change dramatically, I REMAIN THE SAME throughout time and eternity. This is the basis of your confidence. In My Presence, you live and move and have your being."   (Based on Isaiah 41:10, Psalm 102:27 and Acts 17:28

Precious reminders of God's grace:

  • Unusual doctors at Paoli...have been so thankful and blessed by Dr. Attebery and Dr. Singer.  They are wonderful, knowledgeable and kind.
  • A daughter who doesn't complain about least not to me!
  • A husband who quietly, every morning, takes out the dog, empties the dishwasher, straightens up the family room and spends time with his Lord...all before leaving for work at 6:15.  A treasure!
  • Another daughter who gets up extra early just to have time for coffee with me before she leaves for work.
  • A son, reaching from a distance, to let me know he loves me and can't wait to be home.
  • Texts from Tricia Hageman.    :)
  • Beautiful sunshine!
  • A wonderful cami recommended by a friend who has been there.  I love it and want everyone who goes through this to have one...hmmm...
  • What I am learning about contentment, peace, acceptance and the provision of the Lord on a daily basis.

Hope you are all having a wonderful day.  I know I have long days ahead. I know it won't be easy. I also know I won't be alone. And I know there is one dear family hurting deeply right now at the loss of their mom/wife/grandmother...I am praying for them, known them for years and know she is safe in Jesus' arms.  Doesn't make the reality of missing her any easier here...makes my current struggle pale in comparison.

Love you all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In acceptance, lieth peace...

A dear friend shared that little opening phrase with me this morning, and it spoke volumes to me.  (Thank you, Joan)  Had a long day yesterday, including 2 special visits with friends and then on to the dr's office.  I thought I would get both drains out that are remaining, but alas, no.  Only one was ready to come out.  The other is still putting out too much drainage...sorry if I am being too detailed!  So, he began the process of expansion, for which I was not prepared and still so tender...but he explained why and didn't overdo it.  It will help force the remaining drain to finish its job, so to speak.  There were some tears while there, and he was most patient and kind, but I just wasn't prepared for this new procedure, especially still being so tender.  I am still trying to get my head around all that is and has happened, and just emotional (Imagine that!!  My being emotional!)  Friday's news was still sinking in and the long journey ahead seemed overwhelming, and I felt remarkably vulnerable yesterday.  Kristen was right there, holding my hand and so precious...

My need for radiation and chemo will put off the reconstruction process, or at least slow it down, which is fine.  No biggie.  Chemo first, but I don't know how much yet. That is the next step - getting an appointment with the oncologist.

So, if chemo holds true to its reputation, I may not be as sick as many have often been, but it looks like Bobby may be able to help me with my hair!  May try a Mohawk...for a few minutes!  I hope he would be around to do the honors...with the number of times I have shaved his head, I think he owes me!  We will see...not there yet.  :) Pictures will be provided for posterity...

Thankful thoughts...
  • Having a family that makes just about anything fun...and funny!
  • Having a family that is so good at serving and working together...from emptying the dishwasher, doing laundry, getting me coffee in the early morning...
  • That I am able to do more and more myself.
  • For a day of rest after a long one yesterday.
  • For friends at church so faithfully carrying on...I miss you all so much.
  • For pretty decent sleep, and a husband who doesn't hear a thing if I snore, move, read or otherwise!
  • For a patient cat, who helps keep my lap warm at night.
  • Candles...I know I have said it before, but I just love them. (And for the precious,heart-shaped ones from a dear friend.  I will pray for you every time I use them.)
Psalm 16 was brought to my attention yesterday...thank you, Terri.  It is a beautiful on.

1 Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.
2 I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”
3 I say of the holy people who are in the land, “They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”
5 LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
 9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay.
11 You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

So many things I am reading these days that I would love to share with you.  Be encouraged wherever you are, that I love you, pray for you and trust the Lord with you.  He has been ever-faithful to me...that doesn't mean it's easy or always fun...but it is always GOOD.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Great naps are a wonderful thing...

Fell asleep today during the first quarter of the Eagles' game...woke up with 9 minutes left.  Guess I really needed that sleep!  I'm doing a lot of that lately, and my body needs it, I know.  But, being of the mindset of a 'doer', it is often hard to realize that I am working while resting, letting my body heal. Rather than accomplishing something more tangible, I am learning to be content with a slower pace, and thankful for the following:

  • Nieces that give up a Saturday, visit, make me laugh, gently hug and do a beautiful job cleaning for me. My family has done a great job keeping up, but a fresh home is a lovely thing that they didn't have to do.
  • So many friends that have called, visited, written notes, sent astounds me every day.
  • The delicious meals that so many have provided. What a wonderful ministry and blessing to us.  I have always enjoyed doing that for others (ever since we received meals when Megan was born!), and it has been a gift to be on the receiving end. We have a lot of VERY good cooks in our group of friends!
  • Being able to take a shower all by myself. 
  • A sweet pup who has been so gentle with me when I can't play like she would like me to.
  • A young man who comes to play with her...what a gift to her!
  • Friends who want to visit, and understand when I need to say 'not today'.
  • The beauty of the written Word, always encouraging.
  • Fun movies, good reruns when I can't focus on much else!
  • The crisp air outside. I know a long winter is ahead, but I do love this fall air.
  • The list goes on and on...

I pray your Sunday has been a good one. Blessings on your day and week!  Thanks, as always, for 'listening'.

Proverbs 17:22 - "A cheerful heart is GOOD MEDICINE, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."  May you find reasons to have a cheerful heart today!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Read this this morning...I think it applies.

I receive an email each day with a devotional from "Joni and Friends", which is a ministry we have become a part of and dearly love.  This paragraph below is from this morning's email.  Pretty appropriate, I would say...

"Our souls usually don't thrive during good times. Our hearts grow complacent, our need of God becomes less urgent, our hope of heaven dims and our prayer life often dries up. We may be planted in a beautiful setting with our needs met and every resource at our fingertips, but our soul shrivels. It seems we need an occasional blast of storm or fiery trial, if our faith is to mature."

I was just saying to someone yesterday that I had heard a comment that one of the hardest prayers to pray is, "Whatever it takes, Lord, for You to be glorified in my life.  Whatever it takes."  I know that so many have situations much more difficult than mine on a daily basis...whatever it is, HE will take and use it to His own glory and we will be the better for it.  Bitterness is not an option - it is destructive in every way. He longs to draw us close, and teach us more than we ever dreamed.  The lessons are often hard...but those are the ones we learn the best. While I have my tears, frustrations, etc., I long to have a teachable heart to understand Him better and what this whole ordeal means in my life as His.

God bless you each and every one.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The next leg of my journey...

Always another piece of the puzzle to add.  Received a call from my doctor today - I'm so thankful she calls me herself and discusses things with me personally - we received the pathology report today, and while it may not be the news I had hoped for, it certainly confirmed the rightness of our decision. My left breast had clean lymph nodes, but showed something called P.A.S.H., which is benign but often found around other cancerous areas and is a precursor to cancer.  So, my left breast was a "ticking bomb".  My right breast had the original tumor which turned out to be much bigger than they expected.  5.8 cm.  Also, they found cancer in all 3 other quadrants of my breast and 6 lymph nodes were involved on this side.  The whole right breast was diseased. VERY right decision to remove them.  As a result of the size of the original tumor and the number of nodes involved, I will be needing both radiation and chemo, but don't know when this will happen or how much of either...more doctor appts!  YAY! (sarcasm intended...)

I am so thankful for thorough doctors who care about my outcome, and were thorough to give such wise counsel. So much to process, and I don't know all that is ahead, but am so thankful the Lord is walking with me through this.  

It will be a much longer journey than I expected, but that's okay. One day at a the next right thing.  Never thought 3 months ago that this would be what I was dealing with, but life can change in a certainly helps bring things into focus...the love of my Lord, the dearness of my family, how unimportant some things are in the grand scheme of things. And how critical it is to know and depend on Him...we are fearfully and wonderfully HIM be the glory!

Another day...

So, good morning all.  I am not always sure what to say on this without rambling on and on. And yet, it has proven to be a good outlet for me and an easy way to keep you all up on what's happening.  Quite honestly, not much is happening right now, except healing a bit more each day, less pain meds each day (much to my kids' 'normal' humor isn't as funny!), and I did see the plastic surgeon on Wednesday.  They removed 2 of my 4 drains - YAY - and the next 2 come out, if all is well, on Monday.  Next Friday, I have stitches removed. Sometime today or beginning of next week, I find out the results of my pathology on all the tissue and lymph nodes which will determine what is next. 

Stretching and exercises help but hurt at the same time.  I fall asleep ALL the time!  And just don't have much energy to do anything at all.  Visits are nice, and I am so thankful for the loving friends, yet they tire me out.  I don't last long yet!  So, thank you for calling first and keeping it short.  The meals and flowers, cards and prayers consistently find me thankful and humbled.

Thankful things today...

  • All in all, pretty decent sleep at night.
  • Daughters who are tender, fun and caring.  They amaze me.
  • A husband who is kind and attentive...this is one way to get him to make the bed every morning! (Though he is the type that does more than his share anyway.)
  • A son who is showing so much strength of character in so many ways.  Couldn't be more proud.  And I miss him.
  • BEAUTIFUL flowers waiting for me when I got home from the hospital and more GORGEOUS flowers delivered yesterday! Thank you, small group and my fellow staffers at church.  I love you all so much. (Tricia/Jana - you can sneak in my house anytime!)
  • Being able to take a real shower.
  • Candles - I love the warmth they bring to a room.
  • Improvement, even a little, each day.
  • As always, the Lord's faithfulness to meet each need, relieve each fear and uphold me on discouraging days.  So thankful He is not afraid or ashamed of my tears when they come - and they do come when I least expect it.
Thanks for listening. Thanks for praying, cooking, writing, so many you all dearly.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Well, here I am...

Thank you, first and foremost to my daughter, Megan, who so capably kept up with this while I was in the hospital.  Looking back at what she said and did, I am even more impressed and thankful for her than I was before!  Also, for all your support and love...couldn't be doing it without you.  And then there is Buddy.  Thank you to him for, not only his love and support, but for taking the time to express it here.  Some of you don't know him well.  He is often a man of few words, unless they have a punchline or he's with our son!  But, his kind and thoughtful words share his heart better than anything...except his actions.  He has been so kind, patient with my ups and downs, and attentive. He and the kids have helped make this whole situation more manageable and that is something I am truly thankful for. Bobby's visit on Friday was the best part of the whole hospital deal (though morning coffee delivered by my sister ranks pretty high too!)

SInce being home, I have mostly slept, tried reading only to lose focus and sleep, thought I would be refreshed to manage something little and then wake up later, realizing I had fallen asleep!  Though Paoli Hospital is outstanding, there is only broken and restless sleep to be had.

Speaking from this side of things, there were some rough moments in the hospital, but they do all they can to help you be comfortable and prepare for home. My favorite was having Wendy Fulbright as my nurse a couple of times...don't EVER hesitate to ask for her. She is the best...even helping my wonderful sister feel comfortable enough to go home and sleep.  (I needed her fresh, not exhausted.)  But, all the nurses were great.  And I cannot say enough kind things about both of my surgeons.  I see the plastic surgeon tomorrow to see about taking out a couple of the drains...I hope so! They are annoying!

Thankful findings today...

  • an encouraging conversation with a newer friend, being incredibly strong in the midst of her own journey
  • daughters who are willing to help empty, clean, measure and 'strip' my drains several times a day.  Such servants.
  • Heating pads when I'm cold!
  • A pedicure from the cutest 16 year old ever - and I didn't have to ask!  :)
  • Yummy food being shared by friends and family.
  • A lovely visit with my folks over pizza...there was one particular rough patch at the hospital where it was difficult for them to see me so uncomfortable, and it encourages them to see me improving!  And they are good medicine for me.
  • Finding humor in so many things...I insist on wanting to say 'helium' when asking for Valium when I know that's not right, told the girls I couldn't sit in the front seat of the car. It would have to be the backyard!  **I just don't understand!**
  • Readings from several books that have consistently proven to be uplifting and just what I need.
  • The blessing of knowing our Lord is in control, and how He orchestrates and makes good everything that enters my life...even when it is hard to accept.  I know He's okay with it, and so shall I be.
  • Thankful that He is patient with me as I continue to learn to trust, hurt, grieve, learn, and obey...rejoicing in the midst of it all, or at least trying to!  Lord, I my unbelief.
It's late and I wanted to finally say something myself!  There are many of you that I am praying for consistently, and I find it a privilege.  

Sleep well, dear ones...I'll do my best not to fall asleep next time I'm making an entry!  ZZzzzzz....

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Well we all woke up this morning and headed out to the hospital with no idea of how long the process would be for mom to finally come home. She was up, fresh and all ready to go and within half an hour we turned right around and came right back home - thank you, Paoli for making it such a speedy process! She got a nice dose of pain medication to make the trip a little bit easier and now she's relaxing in her chair reading cards and heading toward a nap.

A continued huge/massive/enormous/gigantic thank you to all of you who have been praying, sending cards and notes, texting encouragement to both mom and the rest of us, and providing random bits of happiness on facebook and all other forms of communication. It is overwhelming to feel so much love and support and mom has mentioned multiple times that she doesn't know how to handle all of it. You are all such a blessing and we include being thankful for all of you in our prayers as well.

Megan (on behalf of the entire family)

A humble husband's perspective: I sit here somewhat speechless with the course of events over the last couple of months and more specifically over the last few days.  For someone who does not "facebook", embarrasses his children with the dexterity of his texting, and is right now struggling with using a Mac laptop for this entry I am not one who is predisposed to putting my thoughts into the written word.  With that disclaimer, and given my linear and simplistic way of seeing things, I ask for your indulgence as I share a few brief observations:

  • God is good and more faithful and merciful than we deserve
  • My bride is more beautiful now than ever and I love her dearly
  • My daughters are two of the most godly and compassionate young ladies I know (truly their mother's girls)
  • Besides being a big goober, my son loves his Lord and adores his family, and his trip home was better medicine than any drug
  • Our extended families are a constant example of our Father's unconditional and never failing love
  • Our Small Group ladies are incredibly dear and creative in their selfless support of my wife and our family
  • Our church family and widespread friends have been relentless with their prayers, cards, and encouragement in innumerable ways, lifting all of us up to see our Jesus in ways never before seen
  • God is good and more faithful and merciful than we deserve (yes, it is worth repeating)

"This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"
- 2 Corinthians 9:12-15

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another new day..

My apologies for not updating this sooner, the hospital internet wasn't letting me get on the webpage. Mom is doing alright - she has good moments and bad moments. Her pain medication has been updated so that she is able to receive it every 3 hours instead of every 4 which makes a big difference and helps overlap so it doesn't wear off. She gets up and moves occassionally but is taking it easy today so that she can gauge whether she plans to go home or not - her doctor is leaving it entirely up to her. She wanted to update the blog herself but we decided to let her sleep instead, any sleep she can get that is uninterrupted is a blessing.

Mom continues to think of things to be thankful for: amazing staff at Paoli hospital, family surrounding her, her own pajamas, foot rubs, a shower, her own pillow, pain medication, and of course a good cup of coffee in the morning.

Her plastic surgeon came in last night and was very impressed with all she accomplished yesterday and says she is far ahead of most women after this kind of surgery. She is determined to get well and is doing her stretches and excercises despite hating them. She pushed herself a little far yesterday and wore herself out so she is taking today easy and asking for no visitors again so that she can gain some strength, get some rest and get home. She loves to read all of her messages and notes from all of you, they keep her encouraged and brighten her day. Thank you so much to all of you who continue to be faithful in pursuing prayers and support. From our family to all of you..we are eternally grateful.


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time for bed...

Well Mom is safe and sound in her lovely and quiet room in Paoli Hospital where she was welcomed by a host of people who love her. She is sleepy, worn out, uncomfortable and in pain but it's over and she was happy to see us. Her first concerns were making sure we called Bobby and that I was able to get to class on time. And now, with Kristen and Dad holding her hands and feeding her ice chips we begin the long road to recovery. Her nurse is a dear friend Wendy Fulbright who worked things out to be on her floor all night and she'll have a host of family and support here all day tomorrow (Bobby is coming home!). Thank you again to all of you who have been providing encouragement, there is no way to put into words how much you all mean to us. Our God continues to be good, no matter what the situation.


1 Peter 1:6-9

"In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls."

And we're done.

The surgery is OVER. Mommy's plastic surgeon came out around 5:30 and said all went well on his end and that mom will not be happy with him when she wakes up because she'll be quite uncomfortable. But we're to keep her encouraged and moving so that her muscles don't get stiff and even more difficult to move. He seems to think that with mom's particular kind of cancer and with the fact that one lymph node was infected that some form of chemo may be required to make sure all of their bases are covered but we still won't know for sure until later next week. Thank you so much to all of you who have visited, called, prayed, and been so supportive in so many ways these past few weeks and today. You are all such a blessing!

Buddy, Megan, Bobby, Kristen, Padge, Bill, Marge, and company...

Good news...

Soooo....the surgeon just came out to update us on Mommy. Her surgery has gone beautifully well, it does not  look like she'll need additional chemo or radiation but they won't confirm that until some reports come at the end of next week or so. There was one portion of a lymph node that was diseased but the surgeon does not seem to think it will affect the staging which would determine all of the additional treatment - but we can't make any calls for sure yet. Now we're on to the plastic surgery portion for the next two hours, then an hour and a half of post-op and she'll be in recovery by 6 or so and in her room by 8 or 9. That's our schedule for the rest of the day...praise the Lord that it is going so well...

And so we begin...

Hello all, I'm not nearly as good at this as my mom is but she was quite adamant about making sure everyone was updated and quite honestly - it saves me a ton of phone calls! The surgery was scheduled for 11:45 this morning and she finally went back around 1:15 and was drifting off into la-la land as they wheeled her down the hallway. The surgeon should be coming out in about 2 hours to let us know if any additional treatment will be needed such as chemo or radiation depending on what they find. We'll keep you all posted and thank you so much for the encouragement that we've all already received...our God is such a good God and we know this is all a small part of his glorious plan.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I love my family...

What a gift to be raised by Godly parents - not perfect, mind you - but precious and Godly.  Hearing Dad read Psalm 91 tonight was so sweet, having Mom read as well, being surrounded by the majority of my family just to pray for me?  Very humbling and comforting.  Then to sing "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" was the icing on the cake.  Thank you to each and every one of you for being there, loving me and taking the time.  What an example you have set.

Psalm 91
1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” 3 Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare and from the deadly pestilence.4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.5 You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, 6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. 8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 9 If you say, “The LORD is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling,10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent. 14 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Here's where the rubber meets the road...

So, I am supposed to be at Paoli Hospital by 9:45, with surgery scheduled for 11:45 am.  Finally...the last 2 weeks have been long ones.  Everyone has been so loving and I can't tell you how much that means.  I think what has me most anxious is the 'coming after' stuff.  God knows all about it, and I will soon, too. Just right now, when I think about tomorrow, I'm okay...just jittery and very aware of the nature of the surgery.  I am very eager to have cancer OUT of my body.  I am also eager to be able to move ahead.  Thanks for your prayers.  My girls will be updating tomorrow when they can...don't know what I would do without my family...all of them!