Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What an anniversary...

All these dates just keep sliding by me, and I am remembering them vividly from last year. Don't think I will ever forget certain ones, like today. Getting a call while standing in the Walmart check-out line from my soon-to-be favorite surgeon in the world, confirming the diagnosis of breast cancer, and the type, and her recommended treatment. From day 1, I felt confident in the Lord's leading and in every step that the doctors placed before me. Not that it was without fear at times, but the bilateral mastectomy didn't surprise me. I believe the Lord prepared me from the day of my mammogram that showed 'issues'. I wasn't trying to be overly negative, but just had a gut feel. So, her phone call didn't shock me at all. I continued checking out while she reassured me I would be fine, it was very treatable...slow growing, and all that. Actually, we discussed treatment options at a later time, after an MRI confirmed more possible spots. Walked out to my car - called Buddy, my sister, a few others...and I did cry, but not as much as you may think.

It's almost surreal that so many steps have already been taken. I pray that I can digest fully all the things I have learned this past year. I wouldn't trade some of the things I have learned and dealt with for anything. I do wish it wasn't as hard on my family as it has been at times, but they haven't shown me that too much. Inconveniences, annoyances, sure. But, also a deep sense of the reality of Christ walking with me each step of the way. Even on the darker days, the unsure moments, His peace was always there. So very thankful for that.

It's late and I need to sleep...but I did want to jot down a few thoughts.


  • The refreshment of rest.
  • The blessing of meals provided when very needed.
  • Umbrellas in the rain at a hockey game!
  • Hot tea during same game.
  • My safe place at home at the end of a long evening. Never thought it would be a big deal to make it to a game! So glad to be there tonight to cheer on our girls!
  • Thoughtful cards and calls from good friends
  • Hearing my mom's voice every day when I call - 'Howdy-de-doo!' or 'Good morning, sunshine!'. Very aware that is a gift not to be taken for granted.

Rest well everyone. I have more to share...will do so tomorrow.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Another glorious day!

I know, I know...where have I been!?  Doing pretty well overall, and just finished another round of surgery this past Wednesday. But, as I have told many, this was all forward-motion! My mediport came out - REALLY means no more chemo!  Had a hernia repaired and some reconstruction work done.  I am uncomfortable and tender and tired, but okay. And so very thankful for the doctors and nurses at Paoli...

The Lord does some amazing things in the midst of difficulties. While being prepped for surgery on Wednesday, I had the nicest nurses.  One was familiar, and I am pretty sure both of them have cared for me before.  To make a long story short, as we were talking, one of them named Jo asked about our kids, schools, where we live, etc. (Weird...I never make friends with strangers! Ha!). Turns out she lives about 2 miles from us, is a believer, her brother-in-law (a missionary to Japan) just bought a house from someone in our small group and her 2 daughters have just begun attending our church! What a blessing! Immediate connection that went way deeper than IVs and bedside manner. And such an encouragement to me.  No doubt God's hand was in the placement of that nurse with me that day. 

From Jesus Calling this morning...
Wait quietly in My presence while My thoughts form silently in the depths of your being. Do not try to rush this process, because hurry keep your heart earthbound. 

Psalm 5:3
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you
    and wait expectantly.

So much truth in that simple sentence and verse. There have been a lot of quiet moments for me...not just in the morning, but often at night. Sharing with someone about that, I commented that while I wouldn't ask to go through this past year again, there was a very sweet learning of quiet time with the Lord. An urgency I don't always have when spending time with Him. I felt Him more intimately in the midst of some dark, to hold on to that sweet closeness during brighter days!
I think it is human nature to not run to Him as quickly when things are 'good'. We are so dependent on our circumstances and shouldn't be! I need Him just as much when things are fine as I do when things seem dark. 

So, here I sit...healing yet again. But it's okay. Sore, tired, very tender but here are my thankful thoughts:

  • The doctors who care for me. I genuinely enjoy them. Especially, Dr. Attebery.
  • Gorgeous weather to buoy my spirts and allow me to get fresh air in my room with windows somewhat open most of the time.
  • Opened windows also mean that I hear my wind chimes better. Just love them
  • My servant husband and kids...such a gift. I'm really trying to behave, and they make that easier!
  • Calming music...I have needed more peace and quiet ever since last year, and love instrumental praise, or light classical...just so soothing when I don't want it silent.
  • Friends and family who help with meals. Such a blessing. I've always enjoyed doing it for others, and am so thankful to be on the receiving end. 
  • A clearer head with this surgery to enjoy the time of healing with reading, etc. Chemo made my head so foggy, I just had a hard time focusing.
  • The beauty of coming fall colors mixed with the remaining beauty of summer flowers...just lovely.

I pray you are all having a wonderful day. There seem to be so many that are hurting in such a variety of ways. Our God can handle them all, and has gone before you, preparing the way - wanting nothing more than for you to lean on Him and see His hand at work. May you draw close to Him, closer each day.
