Sunday, July 29, 2012

My little heaven on earth...

It has been so long since I have written and I apologize. I guess I am getting back to the business of life, which is a good thing. Though it seems long and slow day to day, I definitely see improvement overall, and I am thankful. Just to keep you up, I am about 7 weeks or so out from the end of radiation. There is so much improvement since then, but still some lingering issues...muscle reaction to radiation, still some neuropathy in my feet, fatigue...but slowly dissipating.  I am on Tamoxifen and handling it pretty well.  Still learning lessons on patience and being gracious to myself!

Many of you know that our family has been involved with Joni and Friends family retreats for quite a few years. I was not able to attend the first 2 weeks earlier in the summer, but I am currently writing from camp!  Week 3 began today, and it is such a pleasure to be here. I certainly have some limitations, but have so many willing hands to help. They spoiled me with a room closer to the front porch where I serve. For those of you who don't know, it is a family retreat for families affected by disabilities. Volunteers are here to serve, celebrate and honor these families, and to be the 'hands and feet' of Jesus to them. There is a lot of laughter, connection, fun and growing during these days. I coordinate a front porch 'spa', where there are haircuts, massages, manicures and foot massages available to pamper these dear ones. It is an honor to be here, among wonderful friends, creating another year of memories and deeper relationships.

Thankful thoughts:

  • Safe travels today, and great help getting the porch set up. Very thankful for strong young men and women so willing to help!
  • The beauty of Spruce Lake Retreat Center.
  • A delightful driver to help me get here
  • Such encouragement from those that missed me other weeks
  • The organization (and woman) behind so much of they say, all this from one broken neck! Joni is such an encourager, and many capable people serve so well with her
  • My coffee pot, sitting here on my dresser, ready to go at 6:30...mmm, I can almost smell it already!  :)  Yes, I brought my grinder and everything!

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

This is our theme verse this week, and we will definitely be about the business of the it should be at home as well.  It is with a more specific purpose that we do it here, in a more concentrated setting, but it is so good to carry this home.

Have a blessed week. Pray for me, that I will be wise in caring for myself as well as serving others well. It's such an honor.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


No, my typing skills have not significantly diminished...the title is a flashback to my younger years where there were stickers and buttons circulating with these letters...Please be patient. God is not finished with me yet.  (Anyone remember those?!) Well, the truth of that phrase sticks with me these days. We are always a work in progress. Sometimes the process is easier than others! If you know my husband at all, you know he can't let a funny line slip by without uttering it outloud, and in the course of a conversation with Megan last night, he had the chance to remind her that HE is part of HER sanctification process...thanks, Dad?! Anyway, in the moment, it was very funny.

I truly am amazed at times of all I am still learning. I thought I had learned all kinds of patience and contentment, and I have. But, I sure do get restless when my body reminds me to be kind to it and be patient and rest and heal. Constantly reminding myself that I need time, just time, to heal this very tired body. I do see improvement, but it is slow. So, I remain where I am - simply a sinner who still needs to be reminded to never let go of my Savior's hand. Strive to do the next right thing, even if it takes longer than I want it to! I am learning all kinds of delegating skills...which is not a bad thing at all. And often giving others the blessing of helping me when I need it. 

Thankful thoughts:

  • Flowers - any of them. Just love the variety, endurance of those that can stand full heat and sun, the color and beauty of others, the delicate loveliness of those needing cool and shade, and all the while, they raise their heads to the sun. Just beautiful. Kind of like all of us.
  • Sleep - so sweet when it comes. One continual struggle I have is to sleep well.
  • Books - 'real' or on Kindle, makes no difference. Just love to read. Kindle books are easier to get rid of if you don't like them, thought! And reading is a good companion late at night...
  • Enjoying my family - they make me smile and laugh so much
  • Music - speaks volumes to my heart

James 5:7-8
 Be patient, then, brothers and sisters, until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop, patiently waiting for the autumn and spring rains.  You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.

Be encouraged today, in the Lord's great love for you - no matter what your circumstances. He knows, He has been there, and longs to accompany you wherever you are.
